Thursday, 16 February 2012

Whom should we blame for faults in our religion?

Was religion then the main creation of priests and rulers? What about the sages and prophets?

Tribal faiths only became religions after regiments of professional priests or monks elaborated spiritual traditions and organised them into well defined rituals, scritures and dogmas that they managed.

There were generally five main creators of all religions:

1. Founding sages or prophets, who sometimes through a vision, dream, revelation or enlightenment gained a new insight into harmony or truth. They all lived simple lives and wanted no idols, temples or places of worship. They were simple people who loved all humanity.

2. Apostels, who spread the word of their sages or prophets. They wrote down and elaborated on the words and philosophies of their founders that later became their religious scriptures. They were marketing managers of their carefully crafted brands of God and they also provided their religious orders with distinctive costumes, symbols and disciplines. It was Ashoka who made message of Buddha into a great religion. Peter and Paul raised Christ from a poor Palestinian Jew to a Christian god. It was the first four Khalifs who spread the message of Muhammad from Spain to China in just 60 years. With the elaboration by the later nine gurus, Nanak would have been just another Indian sage.

3. Priests, who were the dedicated soldiers or salesman of their brands of God. The word priest is used here in the sense of all the professional keepers of religious places and practices.

4. The patrons, rulers and rich merchants who rewarded the priests for taming and disciplining the masses.

5. The ordinary believers, who accepted their duties to priests and deities they promoted.

So now if we have any problem with any perticular aspect of religion, then whom should we blame?

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